Mijke S. Houwerzijl / Bas Rombouts (Países Bajos) : Cross-border temporary agency work: social sustainability of a business model based on regulatory arbitrage?
Mijke Houwerzijl
Mijke Houwerzijl is professor of Labour Law at Tilburg University and head of the Department of Labour Law and Social Policy at Tilburg Law School. She also holds a chair in Comparative and European Labour Law at the University of Groningen. Her research interests focus predominantly on labour law in a cross-border context, free movement of (posted) workers and enforcement of labour law. She chairs the Dutch department of the ISLSSL and is vice-president Western-Europe.

Bas Rombouts
Bas Rombouts is employed as assistant professor at the Department of Labour Law and Social Policy at Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University. His teaching and research focusses on International law and fundamental labour standards. Bas has a specific interest in the regulation of the protection of vulnerable groups on and outside the labour market in a global context. He is a member of the ISLSSL young scholars section.
14:00 - 15:30 | Sesión 5: El empleo temporal vía agencias especializadas | Charles University, Faculty of Law | - | Collegium Maximum |